-be tall, dark and handsome (to me), with dimples and/or smiley lines by his eyes.
-not be perfect at communicating, but he will want to know how to. And we will work on it together.
-enjoy giving and receiving surprises.
-express his joys, sorrrows, hurts, happiness, dreams, fears, etc using his words, and not his telepathy.
-not be offended and defensive to everything I say...maybe 10%, because, let's face it, sometimes we mean to hurt eachother
-push me and stretch me in my walk with God and I will do the same for him
-love me...really love me and not for reasons other than he was made to love me.
-be hilarious (to me)
-be healthy and interested in being active
-have good work-ethic
-not have lived at home for at least the last year or two
-have his own car...K-car, rabbit, or rambler...I don't care...just as long as it starts and it doesn't smell like 'boy'.
-share a love of literature
-respect me and my weirdness as I will do the same for him...because I don't like being interupted, ok? I like it about as much as being teased publically and any type of condescension, bar loving condescension. Got it?
-have the foundations to become the spiritual leader of the family and a good father
-not be adverse to (I don't mean doesn't ask questions about) different denominations and theologies (ie HCF and the jewish-lovers)
-not be obsessive to the point of idolizing about things like computers/internet, sports, movies, TV, fishing...ew....please not fishing.
-be open to loving-criticism. And that's 50% my responsibility...the 'loving' part of the criticism.
-be passionate about life and love. Yeah, that's a good one.
and lastly...
-be willing to change and grow, and learn and be humbled for me, as I would for him.
oh one more...
-truly be in love with God and continue to be more then he ever would with me.
What does everyone think of this list? Too much? Too little? Too grand? I just can't bring myself to settle ladies, I can't do it. And I don't think God has that kind of plan in store for any one of us. So, leave me a post noting what your man will be...ok? Cool. Dare to believe your dream man exists.
I believe your now asking for too much in your man.. it is always a good thing to dream..the man of my dreams is on my blog.
i don't think you're asking too much. but you already know THAT. i'm the queen of asking too much! here's my man:
-completely, whole-heartedly, un-flakily in love with God... the 1st commandment, the "one thing", is his top priority in life always
-knows who he is and knows in a general sense what he's called to do with his life... understands his giftings both spiritually and in terms of natural talent, and has a clear vision re: how they apply to life in terms of the Kingdom
-knows his weaknesses and has a desire to work on them and talk about them
-doesn't give up!
-can express himself really well through writing!!!!!!
-appreciates art, music, theatre, writing... beauty and creativity in general
-common sense of humour... i don't really care if he's witty or the life of the party or anything... i just want us to burst out laughing at the same things
-tall, a bit overweight, black hair and dark eyes... if possible! if not, i won't complain, i promise! able to have a beard, hairier than not.
-isn't "religious", especially about music
-doesn't treat girls in a condescending way, even when surrounded by other guys
-thinks gill and dan are awesome
-loves and deals well with aria and judah
-understands God's heart and unchanging purposes for israel... preferably loves israel and even has a burden for that nation and people... and even more preferably wouldn't mind living there eventually
-"sees" me and really knows me and likes what he sees and knows (ie: a good indication would be if he thought a birthday card i made him was hilarious and brought it up apart from the occaision)
-likes epics
-a gentleman naturally... polite, opens the door for any female, can have great conversations with older people including my parents and relatives
-patient... especially with me!!!
-preferably from a different culture... awesome if from a balkan country to keep balkan blood in the family lines... but whatever
-has a love for nature and likes to go on walks
-is responsible with money
i know i'm DREAMING. but... i believe this dream can and will come true. if i'm never going to meet someone who matches the first item on the list, then sorry, but i'm not getting married, and i guess i'll deal with it! i'd be sad, but not as sad as being married to someone who doesn't share my most foundational and core values and beliefs and loves.
too long! sorry!
okay, this is snow white: "i'm wishing... (i'm wishing)... for the one i love... to find me... (to find me)... today..." "TOOOOODAAAAYYYYYY!"
hahahahahahahhaha, i love that part!!!!
holy CRAP that was long!
i loved to read your lists.... i thought i was a creep with my long list. i can't bring myself to settle either... don't do it! would you rather be single and free or tied down to the wrong person for the rest of your life? ew.
Come on Annie! Let's hear your list. DO IT!
death, i'm in complete agreement. i will never settle and i will never not
be disappointed in all of the girls who do. i would far rather be single
than wish that i was. and you're right- it's not God's plan for us.
my man will....
-be my best friend and someone i am willing to give up my freedom and
independence for.
-be tall. height covers a multitude of flaws.
-be funny and will think i'm funny too. people who are funny can get away
with murder with me.
-be gentle. if he yells, rages or in any way becomes violent (even towards
inanimate objects) he need not apply.
-not be needy or clingy. i will run as far in the opposite direction as i
can if i feel smothered. seriously. ask my previous boyfriends.
-bring home strays to dinner (human and non-human). he will show up with
whoever the cat dragged in and sheepishly ask if we can keep them.
-be able to listen when i vent about my psychotic family, but know that he
is never allowed to agree with me or vent about them himself because they're
MY family and secretly i love them even though they make me crazy.
-not be in love with his mother. cut the cord boys.
-not consider himself to be the most accepting man on the planet because he
can overlook the fact that i'm not a virgin.
-love children. he will be the guy who is throwing them around, getting
dirty and starting water-fights.
-stop and talk to homeless people, then invite them to join him for a slice
of pizza.
-not love George W. Bush purely because he calls himself a Christian and it
is unamerican and/or unChristian not to love him.
-drink beer and/or wine and/or anything alcoholic and/or not feel superior
to people who drink because he has made the choice to abstain. he will also
not think that i am a raging alcoholic because sometimes i like to get
smashed and go out dancing.
-not judge (me or anyone else)
-kill the spider and never again mention the fact that i was on top of the
bookshelf while he did it.
-be in good shape or accept the fact that he is not getting sex. i will do
the same for him.
-love to read and learn and keep up with world events. on rainy sunday
afternoons we will curl up by the fireplace with our hot chocolate and
bailey's (seriously, i'm not an alcoholic) and our respective books.
-not be stubborn. i'm stubborn enough for the both of us. someone has to
-know when i am being emotional and unreasonable and will choose to not
argue with me until later.
-love music and listen to the lyrics.
-smell good. he doesn't have to wear cologne, he just has to have a nice
"him" smell.
-shave when he wants action.
-be able to listen without feeling like he has to solve everything.
-be willing to learn what i need from him, and be willing to tell me what he
needs from me.
-truly seek God in all things, so i can trust him to make decisions with me.
-not think that he gets to make the decisions because he is the man. he
hates the word "submit" as much as i do. if he feels that someone needs to
submit in a marriage, he is welcome to be the one who does it.
-have a creative side (music, art, writing, etc) and appreciate my creative
-think i'm beautiful, even when i'm standing next to my sisters or my
gorgeous friends.
-like to cook or bake
-encourage me to be more active and outdoorsy. i can be such a lazy ass if
left to my own devices.
-think it's cool to go on overseas adventures
-be just as motivated to get involved in humanitarian relief work,
especially when there are emergencies in other countries, even if it means
giving up the comforts of home for awhile.
-want to live out Isaiah 58 as much as i do (serving the poor, feeding the
hungry, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, caring for the orphans
and widows, etc). he will even get it tattoed on himself somewhere just to
be like me :)
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