Monday, April 16, 2007

Why do I suck at life so much?

That's the question I asked myself today after I hung up the phone from talking to my tax guy.

I think it was after I said " I don't have an income." or maybe it was before I said " I'm really bad at this--my Dad told me to." that I had to spell my email address to taxman Rob,
"Yeah, it's um, it's punkaroo, P U N K A R E U" Silence on the other end.
"Oh that's a very clever way of spelling Punkaroo." (She's retarded.)
"Ah aha...yeah. Thanks." (Oh my gosh--I am SUCH an idiot.)

Why can't I wrap my head around taxes. I just don't get it. Don't I pay 14% on everything I buy anyway? Why do I have to...oh's income tax. Well then. But I still don't get it AT ALL.
It's very upsetting actaully. My tummy hurts and I'm a little teary. Money. It just stresses me OUT!
Can anyone educate me? Is there a book out there? I need help.

Annnnnnnd on that note I'm going to go spend some money on food and trees. Just a typical day really.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Wow - at least you're doing your taxes. I haven't started mine yet. Well, a company is doing them for me, but I haven't yet received that envelope from revenue canada with my information, so I can't do anything about it. I'm super SUPER stressed out about it, I can't even think about it, ahhhhh I have to go... I can't think about it.