Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Sitting endlessly generates a lot of thought...

Today was my recoup day--however that only got started around 3pm. I stayed at the clinic last night, and was going to move into a guest-house around the corner this AM, but that turned into noon, then 3pm. Oh my gosh I was exhausted and sweaty. It's abnormally hot at the mo, which is fantastic, and typhoon season starts any day. What timing.
Anyway--I finally moved into my room at the guest house--had a luke-warm shower and fell asleep in the air-con. It was bliss.
Wake-up time is determined by the animals. Which means all the fighting cocks start to cockle-doodle-do (ka ka-ka ka-ka...Gob...)around 5am. The sun actually makes its appearence around 6am--so it's a little premature. Nonetheless, 5am wake up calls everyday. And it's not just once or twice--it's from 5am until about 10am. Sigh.
There are clinic days (out-patient check-ups) three days of the week, from about 8am to 1pm. They see a lot of people though--today it was over 70--which is an amazing number of people to see with only three beds.
The 10 or so Filipino nursing students help a lot by taking blood pressures, weight etc. But wow--add another 10 people to the mix and it's a friggin party all the time!
I'm just trying to give you a rough idea of what it's like here--feel free to skip ahead.
Ohhh....baby. It's a boy. I'd say 90% of the time labours and deliveries are not what you think they'll be. Thought for the day.
Right---um--the clinic is located on a mountain--think LOST only 10 years down the road after they discover the hatch. It's very tropical, very humid....moist almost. Yes, moist. The cool mornings end too quickly and then it stays pretty damn hot until sun set--and then the evenings are nice and cool again. Thankfully because we're on a mountain, there's a nice breeze almost all the time. (Don't worry Mum, it's going to cool off a lot by the time you get here.)
Oh--and on that note, received some news yesterday that there's still one four-week position to be filled here at the clinic! I'm a little anxious about that--but I'm thinking that if I ignore the problem, someone else might notice it and do something about it. That's usually an excellent way to screw things up, isnt' it?
Well--I should go. I'm wiped and I have to start working tomorrow--first job: taking promo pictures for the clinic. Weird. How is it that I go on a missionary-midwifery trip and my first order is to take pictures? Not complaining! Just...thoughtfully accounting.
Oh, and I haven't had the nerve to play around with pictures yet--however I did set up Mavis' speakers, so I feel like maybe tomorrow I'll have more computer-time leverage.


Annie said...

Wow Claire... you sound BIZZ-AY. At least you get to take pictures. I hope you're having a good time!

Anonymous said...

yo clairice!
hahahaha... gob. ka ka-ka ka-ka... please be sure to keep me posted about anything the roosters do. it AMUUUUSES me.

that's really cool that you get to take pictures, eh? hey, those portraits you took are really being used... for the unveiling of the paintings they need a 30" tall pic of my head! how embarrassing is THAT? but i had a beautiful picture to send, without even breaking a SWEAT!

it sounds like you're wall to wall with people at all times! tell us about what the people you see all the time are like! what are their names? any quirks? any frustrations? any new best friends?

the book you got me is great, by the way... i'm hooked. if only i had time to read more than like 2 pages at once!

this is weird having to write you "in public". i don't think i'm saying anything i'd usually say! what will annie and your mom think?!?!

this is too long. love you! i miss you!!! what would happen if i wrote you a real e-mail?

Annie said...

Oh Rebekah, if only you knew how I sit here and mock your comments... you would never even dream of commenting on Claire's blog.
Haaaaaaaaaa.... kidding. But remember, I'm the one who scandalously used the word "shit" in my last comment. Maybe I should be paranoid. Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Well, I am a member of the Blog Police. Undercover, of course. And yes, you guessed it, I'm staking you all out. SUCKAS!
There will be no "shit", there will be no "arrested development humour", for I, the Blogspot Cop forbid it! You all must walk in the garden of my TURBULENCE!!!
Haha. Got a little carried away there. Sorry.
Maybe "commenting" is my outlet.....