Friday, June 01, 2007

The word is glib:
1. marked by lack of intellectual depth; "glib generalizations"; "a glib response to a complex question"
2. having only superficial plausibility; "glib promises"; "a slick commercial"
3. artfully persuasive in speech; "a glib tongue"; "a smooth-tongued hypocrite"

That's the attitude I've been encountering for a long time. A glib attitude towards global issues. And that's the word, for me, that describes the situation.
"a glib response to a complex question having only superficial plausibility".
And for me, glib would be to say 'to save just one person will make it all worthwhile...'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suppose it depends on what you are saving them from and what it costs to save them - hmmm