Monday, July 16, 2007

The Love of a Good Chip

Just to keep you all on your toes--here's a good anecdote from a moment ago that a lot of you will understand:

I've mentioned to James a couple times now my immense love and respect for the potato chip. Sadly, in Malawi, chips aren't very common. I'm ok with that...but today mentioned to James I would DIE for some chips today.
He made some smart-ass comment about chips being called crisps here etc. Anyway, that was the end of it.

Then this evening I randomly had a craving for this pineapple drink, Sobo, and as I went for it in the cupboard the shimmer of a chip bag caught my eye. I turned to Tim "How long have these been here...?"
Tim smiled and didn't really know what to say. James sighed and said they were supposed to be a surprise.
I laughed at myself for finding the chips less than 5 minutes after the entered the house and James corrected me 'More like 5 seconds.'
"Yeah, it was like you have radar, or something." Tim said.

Minutes later James found me pacing in the living room, clapping my hands.
"What?" He asked me.
Shamefully but full of glee I told him I'd just been thinking about the chips.

Ah. I can't help who I am.


Anonymous said...

ah, the for the love of a good chip...
chippy chippy chip-chips.

i like how the chip bag was "shimmering". that's an interesting thing for a chip bag to do... like it's in between being beamed down from space or being beamed up away from your clapping little hands.

hahaha... i can just imagine it. we are two peas in a pod when it comes to food... remember the blueberries? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA... i'll never forget that disgusted/fascinated look on your face!

i'm so tired right now i'm literally going slightly cross-eyed every now and then. whoa.

hey, so WHEN are you arriving? you said the 23rd - i thought it was the 22nd! i'm going to the cottage on the 23rd! what will we do about penny? send me some details, okay?

i really can't believe you're coming home. i guess i'll need to get rid of the llamas and the haggis and all the syringes. don't worry - your room will be haggis, llama hair and drug free by the time you return... or let's keep our fingers crossed, anyway.

my "mountrains" is "fringers".

Annie said...

this post confused me because it didn't sound like your writing. i thought it was someone writing your blog for you and i didn't want to embarrass myself by eagerly posting a reply only to find out it wasn't you all along.

Beth B said...

This is why I love you so much!?!! You are AMAZING!