Tuesday, September 11, 2007

36 hr crash-parenting...

My brother and sinister-in-law (ha...just thought that up, but it's not true. She's great) have gone to Vegas for a few days and have entrusted the care of their 3 boys into my capable hands.

I'm so domestic.

Here are a few things I've learned:
1)being 2 minutes late to pick kids up from school is borderline child neglect for a 6 year old.

2)children ARE cuter when they're sleeping

3)no matter what you're having for dinner, you WILL be making different dinners for as many children as are eating. Ie. three boys= three different ways to make speghetti and meatballs.

4)on average it's impossible to escape to the bathroom for no more than 7-8 seconds before your absence is detected. Then the rest of your time in the bathroom WILL be spent watching and praying that the lock on the bathroom door handle won't give in under the weight of a 3 year-old hanging on it. And sure enough, upon exiting the bathroom minutes after repeating 'Just a sec....just one more second...' over and over again there WILL be items lined up at the threshold of the door--items such as dinky cars ("These, these, these, these, these....these are my favowits.") In the event of a meltdown (most likely) while you're in the bathroom sure enough there will be a child cowering against the door who inevitably forgets all woes once the door opens.

5)in the dead of night it's possible to be aware of a child in your room staring at you sleeping yet not actually wake up.

Those are just a few gems I've picked up in the last 36 hours. Who knows what's to come!

So, in the mission-field front, I am NOT going to South America for Christmas. Annnnd I think it's pretty unlikely I'll be going to South Africa for a month either. But, seeing I'm not the matriarchal figure in the family I'm stil trying to arrange a christmas get-away (from family) trip to Oregon. We'll see.

Thanksgiving is my favourite holiday anyway.


Anonymous said...

get away fromthe family, eh - real nice!

I laughed pretty hard (well, for me anyway, especially because I'm alone, you know how that goes) when I read your post! I could just hear little malachi telling you about his favowit cars. so cute!! hope you're havng fun! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, yes.....love all of it! These are the days of my life!!!!

Anonymous said...

how long are you there for? whoa...i only have 2 and i have them all the time and what you're doing still amazes me. (i have always despised babysitting even if i love the parents and kids)
what's the haps with the trips?
maybe you can spend Christmas with your "sorta family" this year. ie: us. always love to have ya.
oregon sounds cool too, though....

Anonymous said...



that was hilarious, claire. i can see it all. i'm assuming it will feel a bit different with our own kids. i'm like gill and HATE babysitting (but gill doesn't feel like that with her own kids, so i'm banking on the fact that it will be the same for me).

you'll probably need to sleep for 3 days straight when you get back.

and hey - definitely spend christmas with us! not like you would, 'cause that would probably be weird for your family. reeeally weird. why do you feel like you need to be apart from them for the holidays? can't you just go for christmas day?

let's not get a 2 month flu together over christmas this year, okay? that's the one plan i have for the holidays. that was a BLAST! i remember "watching" the 1st season of lost from the bathroom... and you squealing because of the word "LOST"... and never sleeping... and always, always coughing my innerds out. and cough syrup that didn't do a dang thing. and refusing to go to the doctor. whoa, THAT veered off topic rather fast!