Friday, December 14, 2007

Delicate trust and elusive patience.

Patience and trust.
Truth is very close to trust in mechanics, value and relationship.
It's hard to trust when you don't have the truth. It's such a vulnerable part of everyone too. It's can't be easily gained but can be easily lost. Essentially it's voluntarily handing your heart over to someone to handle as they see fit.

And patience. Wow. That's something I don't have time for. HA. I'm hilarious.
But really--who's the person in charge of teaching patience? Because I missed that lesson.

These days I've been having to revisit patience. Some people...most people are more patient than I am and that makes me anxious. It's important to have patience--you don't rush into things which can lead to regret, you're slower to anger, there are less misunderstandings because there's more time to understand. I am so wise.

And then trust. Trust is less learned and more built up or torn down by experience. And I think it's safe to say most of us have been torn down more often than we've been built up. Am I right?

So--what do you do? Do you start by giving someone 100% and only bad conduct can take away from their already perfect mark? Or do you start neutral and only trust once they've established their worthiness?

Janice! You're killing me here!

I don't know--do any of you out there have any ideas? I'm really stumped. I want to trust but I'm afraid. It's only bitten me in the ass in the past. (Ass in the past. Ass in the past.) Gun-shy. How typical of jaded 21st century single women, eh? But true.
Thoughts anyone?


Annie said...

Ooh. Trust is a huuuuge one for me too. I've been learning that trusting people isn't necessarily something I can automatically 'choose' to do - like I can't just decide to give 100% of my heart over even if I felt like taking the risk. It seems to be a slow-moving 'does it on its own' type thing, over time. I'm not sure how much control I really have when it comes to trusting people. Hopefully more than I think. Or maybe I'm like you and I need more patience. Hey, we have a lot in common.

Anonymous said...

I think we have warped ideas of what it is to trust PEOPLE. With God, it's a whole other ballgame. He deserves it, has earned it and will never break we can give ourselves fully to Him in every situation.
People, on the other hand, will always let us down. It's not a wounded, bitter heart saying that, it's the truth. Reality.
Any trusting or loving or whatever we do should always be THROUGH Him.
Of course we can't trust or love or be patient of OURSELVES...
So the issue, really, is about trusting God and being connected with Him. If we trust Him, then in all relationships we will be fine. We will be able to rest and not get torn apart by the humanity of the people around us. We will be able to love even when someone has let us down, because Someone else hasn't and never will.We will have a hope that never fails or disappoints.
I'm definitely not entirely there yet, but we for sure put on people burdens that only God was meant to bear.
Sorry about the sermon....but I'm really not being "preachy", I have just learned that any time I say I am having "trust issues" it means with God. And it means I am not connecting with Him,that I am not leaning on Him....I'm usually leaning on myself or other people, relying on them to come through for me when it's not up to them.
Okay, so of course this is one of the hardest things to live out- don't get me wrong-I have so many more disclaimers for this comment but I will just leave it.
I think you're awesome, Claire. Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it. (say that with a Scottish accent)