Monday, June 11, 2007

Armpits and girls from LA

Have you ever had an itchy armpit? Oh man, I've got one now and it won't go away! But that skin is sennnnnnsitive and it hurts to scratch.
Anyway--that's not why I'm posting.
I'm posting a video...I hope...

I watched Joe Versus the Volcano yesterday and I must say, wow. Meg Ryan, NOT an actress I like to watch, was hilarious. And strangely enough I had a weird connection to Tom Hanks and his role in this movie. If you haven't seen it--you should. It's a classic.

Here's a funny clip. Her accent is hilarious. It's a long clip--but you just need to watch the first minute.

"This is a great town...IT STINKS!...But it's a great town."
Made me laugh.
(By the way, this took me an HOUR to figure out how to post a video.)

The REAL clip I wanted was with Tom Hanks. He's about to head off on a huge adventure (that will ultimately kill him) and he asks his limo driver to have dinner with him. The driver declines and asks "Don'tcha have anybody?"
"No. But there are certain times in your life when you're not supposed to have anyone, you know? Certain doors you gotta go through alone."
Even though Tom is talking about jumping into a volcano, I really relate to what he's saying.
I've been thinking a lot about singleness lately. And this movie was good timing.


Anonymous said...

hey claire, wow, totally got into that clip, it almost surprised me when it ended.
watered the gardens today and weeded too. were you growing forget me nots??? i pulled some out - they're annoying anyway. a daylily and a sedum have been mowed..can't really blame them as the grass is growing right into some of the beds. i pulled abunch out today. the new tree looks great!
hope you're doin' well. love ya lots

Beth B said...

I know exactly how you feel, about the singleness. It is a aggravating but at the same time you have to look at all you are being taught through it. So should I see the movie?

Annie said...

HAHA, hilarious clip!

Rebekah said...


i watched the "this is a GREAT town... it STINKS... but it's a great town" part over and over again... hahahahahah... her voice on the first "great" is, well, GREAT... and the word "stinks" is so abrupt it's almost shocking!

i'm sure everybody was dying to hear me analyze each word of that phrase. like your ears couldn't hear it yourselves.

her "accent"... isn't really an accent. what the heck IS it supposed to be?

i think i might actually watch that movie. and i don't even like either lead actor. but i don't particularly like orlando bloom or kirsten dunst, and elizabethtown is one of my favourite movies, so you never know!

geez. i'm always like, "keep it brief this time! wow them with how succinct you are!"


Annie said...

Yes, the "it STINKS" was rather shocking and sudden, wasn't it? I loved it. This movie looks awesome. I can't believe I've never even HEARD of it. I might rent it.

Claire said...

Aaaaaaactually...the ending is rather abrupt--but I think the movie is worth it for the funniness from Meg Ryan.
It's a classic--you should all get together and rent it.
Oh, this and The Painted Veil.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering the same thing - what the heck is meg ryans voice doing??? pretty funny! i'll watch it with whoever watches it!! and the painted veil too. Claire all my kids have watched The Winking Circle but I'm still waiting to watch it wit you!! They all loved seeing you in it!