Thursday, September 18, 2008


Sometimes it's unfortunate having grown up in a Christian home as it can deaden to you words, scriptures and theology that would otherwise blow your mind!

That happened to me today when, after ashemedly watching 100 Huntley St., I realized, hey, I have 'freewill'. Everything I do or say is a choice. God doesn't coerce me into things, or manipulate (that's the proper name for coerce, isn't it?) me into behaving a certain way, or cause my heart to suddenly be a different heart. He might romance me into wanting to, but ultimately, it's by choice that I spend time with him; by choice I turn to him when I'm angry; by choice muster up the courage to trust him.

I know this is Faith 101, but seriously, I hadn't ever really thought about it. Everything I do to get closer to the Lord is by MY will, and everything I do that takes me further from him is again, my choice.

Bek has really inspired me lately (but not ever anytime before just the other day) with choosing to take an hour out of her incredibly busy schedule to 'waste' on the Lord. The ball is in our court, so to speak. It always is and always has been. I mean, I suppose there are times when we wait on the Lord to answer a prayer or request, and then the ball would be in his court...inner court, I'm assuming. But the rest of the time it's my decision to serve the ball back.

Yes yes. We ALL get it. I don't need to keep repeating myself in different ways until I hear someone in the distance cry 'oh! I get it! Free will!' I'm just so stunned by this revelation---the gravity and seriousness of it, and yet, it being a gift.

On Huntley St. this lady was speaking about making choices. She told a story about praying with her friend. Her friend wanted to quit smoking so they prayed together, and no sooner had they finished then her friend said 'pray again. but this time ask the Lord to take away my desire to smoke.' And this lady, I don't remember her name, said 'no. I won't do that because God won't do that. You need to make the decision and say no to the cigarette and pray that God gives you the strength follow-through.'

I've never thought about it that way. I want to lose weight--and I'm certain I've prayed something to that same affect--'Lord, take away my desire to eat fatty foods.' When, because I love him and love my body which is his temple, I should pray for the strength to make wise decisions and the grace to follow-through.

The Lord is so dynamic, eh? So multi-dimensional and yet so simple and straight-forward.

The other cool thing I realized a while ago was that, if for a time I drift from the Lord, spending very little time or thought with him, he's one of those friends you can just pick up where you left off. It isn't a game--there is no time limit. I can turn to him and say, ok, where were we? And he won't miss a beat.
Again, this seems elementary, but to me, and perhaps to you, it was so refreshing and exciting that I didn't need to start from level 1 again. That whatever 'level' I had reached before I got lazy or angry or distracted, was the same 'level' the Lord was wanting to meet with me again.
He has so much grace. I can't fathom it.

Anywhoskis. It's almost the weekend! And I have another wedding on Sat. That's 6 this summer! Look for pictures forthcoming!
Here are a couple from my most recent weddings:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My quarterly blog. Qu'est-ce que c'est?

After midnight, I'm going to let it all hang down. Then I'm going to shake my tambourine. Shake my tambourine. Shake my tambourine.

For those of you know are aware of the Lakeland debacle, rather, the Todd Bentley debacle, I have a word to two. For those of you who are not aware, I can't decide if I think you're lucky or deprived.

There are a couple things I've concluded.
One is, a lot of pain and suffering in this life could be avoided and completely prevented if we all heard the voice of God for ourselves--as we're supposed to.
This would cover our bases in discernment, trust, truth and love.

And there is a part of me that is a little fatalistic in that I feel that despite a person's (potential) shortcomings, if God speaks mightily through them, who the hell am I to argue or judge?
But then, Ken makes a good point--isn't that our job? To discern and weigh words against the Bible?

Then again, what did people say in David's time when he had an affair, a child and murdered a man? I'm sure they were disillusioned too. Yet, God still used him yadda yadda---but more importantly said he had a heart like his own (1 Samuel 13:13-15). Whoa. So the adulterous murderer has a heart like God? The actions have little importance to God verses matters of the heart?

Tres cool.

I guess I'm feeling disillusioned less over Todd because he's just a man, not some immune super-hero, and more in regard to my own judgement.
Who do I look up to? Why do I look up to them? Does my discernment go as far as discerning what the person besides me believes in? I'd have to say yes. Generally it does. It's rather near-sighted. And if there's anything God is not, it's near-sighted.

On a lighter, nay, fatter note--I'm...not ideal. Ew. What a way to put it. I just feel so strongly that considering my health history and the family history, to not be in shape as I approach 30 is a mistake. Especially to not establish a healthy lifestyle before it's too late or before I have kids is the biggest mistake.

On a smaller note I've moved---I'm in a 1 bedroom place just around the corner from my old place with Bek. Strangely I don't miss it in the least. I miss Bek and Gill and Ryan and being SO SO close to Ken, but overall I feel it was time and I was ready to move.

FYI I have internet and phone at my new place now, and the number is still the same.

I've had 5 weddings this summer and I have two more this fall. Exciting/terrifying!

Well--I should go track calories eaten today so I can be shocked and disgusted with myself.