Thursday, October 02, 2008


This is a list of things I'm going to do, or not do, in two weeks when I'm finished my exam:

1) Eat Flamin' Hot cheetos until it hurts to poo
2) Have a massage and not stress that it's 'taking too long'
3) Never look things up in an Index ever again. (I might be fumbling around a book for a while, but I'll find what I'm looking for eventually. Or give up. In which case what I'd been looking for mustn't be very important to begin with.)
4) Paint my forest green tv cabinet, and UNPACK. Holy crap.
5) Have a tea party.
6) Hang pictures on the walls.
7) Not think about another person's vagina for at least a week
8) Burn my flash cards
9) Leave all the facebook groups that have anything to do with babies or breastfeeding. Just because I can.
10) Never carry over 60lbs. of books on one shoulder at one time ever again!
11) Brush my hair.
12) Shave my legs--yes Ken.
13) I may or may not continue wearing sweats I bought second hand at the Village. It feels pretty good.
14) Stop spending in excess of 15 hours a week at my parent's place
15) Read a book that doesn't contain the words 'obstetric disaster' or 'nipple stimulation'. Well...maybe a book with the second phrase in it.
16) Visit people I haven't seen in ages and meet new people I've been putting off until the exam was over. That's right. I've been putting off meeting new people. 'I don't know you? Sorry. You'll have to wait...oh another month or so.'
17) Look for a job that supports me as opposed to a career in sucking my saving's dry and feeling like shit as it happens. It was a good run, but I'm looking for something more challenging.

That's it for now.
In the meantime, here are a couple pictures from my latest wedding gig:


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures, Claire! I love the last one. SO AWESOME.

Rebekah said...

number 7 has GOT to get off my list, too.

ha. just kidding.

i'm so excited to find another post from you! the mouse is also excited. he squeaks when he's excited. and runs around and trips.

can't wait to see you tomorrow!

and yes - i LOVE that last picture - it's so cool! i want to see allll of them!

you're in the home stretch, claire! you can do it! you're awesome!!! dig it out! that's what dad says when we run. dig it out, now, gilly! dig it out! (dig what out... and with what... and why?)

maybe it's an '80s expression. but i was born in the '80, so i should know about it. oh, and did i mention that all of my classmates were NOT born in the '80s?!?!?! AAAH! they were BORN in the freaking 1990s!!! what the heck!

anyway, dig 'er like you mean 'er, clairice. you DIG that exam out like you've never dug anything out before, with a shovel of intelligence, perseverance, and hard work.

(you can get those at canadian tire)

Beth B said...

I love the pictures! I miss & love you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. =)