Friday, July 07, 2006

Days that fill in time and occupy my mind...

I don't have anything in particular to say today.
It's just been a while so I thought I'd do a little update. This also helps clear my head about life.
So, finally, here is a picture of Chad and Julie's wedding! well...Chad isn't in the picture, but he's around somewhere. These are just a wee handful of the midwives I went to school with and practiced with in the Philippines. Aren't we beautiful?

That was a good wedding. I hadn't danced in...months and months so I had all this pent up 'dance'. I was unstoppable. But perhaps someone should have stopped me. OH! I was ridiculous. Mind you, only on one glass of wine!
Let's see...I'm missing Ben tremendously. Once we started talking after the breakup I think we fell in love all over again. But last week we put an end to talking to was just too painful. I love him desperately, he consumes my thoughts (when I allow it) but he's not the one for me now. He might be one day. And trust me, I truly hope he is.
I didn't know I could love someone so much despite how terribly annoying they can be. I am human afterall.
So, consequently, I'm mildly depressed. The other day Bek and Jenn made me laugh until I started bawling. That's a first. Then Anne Jones prayed for me outside the church while I was gardening and I started to cry again at which point she promptly announced she was late and had to go. Thaaaanks.
On the light side, I bought the most exquisit arm-chair at Value Village yesterday for $15. It's a velvety green, with a fleur-de-Lie? (lee) type design on the cushions with....TASSLES! around the bottom of it. And it's on casters. I think I can now say quite confindently that I am the best thrift shopper who's ever lived. Is that a claim to fame?
Well, perhaps that's all I'll say today.
A special Hello goes out to Femmy, my long-lost friend from Germany. Fem and I met in New Zealand on my big trip a few years ago. Because Europeans have like 2 months vacation she still day we'll meet up, right Fem?

1 comment:

Beth B said...

I love you and am glad that you are well. I am praying about you and the whole situation with you and Ben. I can only imagine how hard it is. Know that I love you and miss you.