Friday, July 28, 2006

Lame-ass, ugliest, fattest, stolen days...

Well shit.
Ever have one of those days where you're fatter than you thought, uglier and more undesireable than you thought? One of those days where you walk down the street and every girl falls into one of three categories:
the same as me in ugliness and fatness;
better than me;
at least I don't look like that

Today was one of those days. Not to mention it's as hot as a crotch right now and has been for days. AND the heat mixed with my sweat has made my clothes all awkward and baggy. AND my big fund-raising garage sale is tomorrow, but the forcast calls for rain from the exact time I open to the time I close, 8am to 2pm.
AND in my lame attempt to help the environment, exercise, and save money I acquired a bike. However, after lugging this stupid tire pump around all day, getting rust on my baggy, ill-fitting clothes from the rusty handle, I come home to find that my bike has been stolen.

I actually thought to myself as I carried this pump-burden around all day, 'I wonder if I'll lug this thing home only to realize my bike is stolen...'

Oh, and dude-face, the lame-ass MAN who asked for my number, NEVER CALLED ME. Who DOES that? He asked for MY number and said he would 'definitely call'. I have witnesses!

This is all crap.


Beth B said...

Thank you for venting.. I love and miss you. I love knowing what is going on in your life.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness Claire that totally sucks!! and I just realized last night, while people watching at the Jazz Festival, that I categorize women exactly the same! wow, we are sisters!

Beth B said...

You are BEAUTIFUL!!!

Annie said...

CLAIRE! i found you. i'm so creepy. i can find anyone on here.

actually... i just remembered your address because you mentioned it recently.

annnnnnd, it's still creepy.
anyway, yes, i'm pretty pleased with myself anyhow.......................

Anonymous said...


hi! sorry, i'm reading this way after the fact... it didn't rain! until we were in the pool!

anyway, just wanted to say oh my GOSH, i KNOW about the bagginess of clothes in this weather, i HATE it!!! as if my potato sack capris that i've worn since i was 19 aren't potato sack-like ENOUGH... just add a little sweat, and a little leg/butt/etc. sticking to the material because of the sweat... and then sit down for a while with your knees and butt stretching the pants and sticking... and you've got some oddly shaped pants that are SO unflattering. as if they weren't unflattering enough to begin with. but that's just my capris for ya. i can't even believe i WEAR capris... it's so lame!!! you've gotta do what you've gotta do, i guess. yay for skirts.

"these jeans... are crying... these jeans they've seen a lot of butts but they've never met a woman who can fill them out quite like meeeeeeeee..."

oh, burton. he really understands my butt and my jeans. no wait, WE made up those lyrics. i bet burton still understands, though. that's just the way that cat rolls. and he has a phenominal last name.

this is so dumb that i'm taking the time to write all this when we live together. you'll be all excited that there's another response, then check it and be like, "oh, it's only bek. what a let down." then you'll realize how insanely long the comment is and think, "i don't have time for this! my clothes are too baggy to read this!" and probably get up and leave.

so maybe i'm writing this for your other comment-writers... too bad you guys don't know about that song i quoted. it's a classic.

see you. that's what mom always says. see you... now? later? when?!? anyway. you're not fat or ugly. your clothes are WAY too baggy for you, though. ha! just kidding. but i know how it feels.

Beth B said...

come to my blog
I want you to know what is going in my life.

Annie said...

hey, bek, i know that song..... well i know the original.... but your version is much, MUCH better. it actually made me "LOL", you know, laugh out loud.

claire, do you ever check this? i feel like we are rambling on in a claire-less universe......