Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hopelessly devoted

Well, it is offically over, over.
Not just broken up, but no chance to getting together again kind of over.

Anywho, I'm going to take some gravol and slip into a mini-coma for the night. I've already watched my daily depression-quota for movies, so I suppose a drug-induced sleep is the next best thing. Ciao.


Beth B said...

I love you and hope that you are ok. I have you always in my thoughts and prayers. I just wanted you to know how loved you are ..=)

Anonymous said...

i went thru the exact same crap when chris and
i broke up for those 2 years before getting back together. it totally sucked - i know how you feel. let's tak. where the heck are you?

Beth B said...

I have blog
come and comment on it...

Anonymous said...

whoa, "i ordered the lobster bisque", eh??? is there something you're not telling me here? i've SEEN that episode!!!!!!!!

anyway, so yeah, today this crazy guy came to the door at the church asking for some money for bus fare and... yada yada yada... i'll have to come in again tomorrow to get some extra work done.

now that's lobster bisque. you'd better spill the beans, young lady!