Tuesday, December 04, 2007


I've been reviewing old posts.

What prompted it was realizing that my blog addy was posted on my facebook profile...which leads me to believe that people I don't particularly like can read this blog. And more importantly, people who don't especially know me that well are privy to my inner-most thoughts and dreams (which are published online. So...not so inner-most).

Anywho--I was reviewing old posts, and wow, why didn't anyone tell me I have an egg head? I mean, really. When my hair is long I have an egg head; pointy on top and rounder along the sides.
Well shit.

On that note I have officially entered old-age. I found a grey...gray...EYEBROW hair. Funnily enough I feel like I've earned that gra/ey hair. Actually it's more white.
I'm not plucking it because
1) 7 more might grow back in the SAME SPOT!
2) I'm proud of it
3) it's an oddity I like to pull out at parties

Well--for all of you out there who found your way to my blog and I either a) don't really know you that well or b) I don't really like you very much (and you KNOW who you are) please take this blog with a grain of salt. Be kind to me.
Sure I might not know you or even like you, but be gentle.


Anonymous said...

Now that you’ve spoken directly to me (being one of those you really don’t know that well), I feel as though I can post a comment without feeling weird. :) I want to reassure you that you are not alone in your old-age gray/white eyebrow hairness – Simon also has one white eyebrow hair. I’ve sooo wanted to pull it out, but he refuses to let me! It does say in Proverbs that a gray head (old age in other translations) is a crown of glory (dignity). Maybe going gray isn’t so bad after all.

S'toon Laura

Claire said...

Hey Laura! Finally--a post from you. Nice. I'm not plucking the hair. I kind of like it now.
My crown of glory is more like a headband.

Anonymous said...

WHOA, i haven't been on here in a while! don't worry claire, i still like you.

hi laura!!!

hey, that egg head man is terrifying. and claire, come ON, you do NOT have an egg head with long hair. what the heck!

i have a white hair growing out of my right temple... i've had it for about 10 years now, and it's LONG. i'm excited that its status remains single for now. kind of like mine. maybe when i get married my hair will all turn white? now THERE'S some logic for ya.