Wednesday, December 12, 2007

WARNING: Mushy (like scrambled eggs and curry).

(Another barely-old post I forgot about! A thousand pardons!)

Anyway. Yesterday was a snow day for a few of us. A day for people to legitimately stay home and hang out without the guilt or burden of neglecting responsibilities or backing out of plans.

We had about 6-8 inches of snow fall through the night combined with rising temperatures equalled an impossible task of getting our cars out of plowed in parking spaces and up slick, icey-wet hills. Not to mention driving anywhere.

The night before yesterday, a few of us gathered for Gill's birthday and held an intimate dance party, which, I firmly believe is the way it should be. Dancing is pretty's lame to have people who aren't into dancing at a dance party.

The snow had already started to fall by 10pm so my sister and three of her kids stayed at my place, while Laurie, Gill's cousin, stayed at Jenn's place. Dan was in town, so he crashed at Fosters. We thought nothing of it until the next morning.
With the joy of a school child looking out the window at an inevitable 'snow-day' so we all gathered around the window, amused and comforted by the cars unable to move and the general chaos.

My nieces climbed into bed and lay still only long enough for me to tuck that sweet moment away in my memory. After the girls molested me in my bed that I had shared with my sister we arose to make a plan.

When we saw a snow-truck get stuck the general consensus was to stay home from church. Left-overs from the party the night before were suddenly destined for that morning's communal breakfast--namely peppers, calbassa, salsa, and cheese.
Before long the Owensby's arrived at our door bearing random assortments of food and donning random assortments of dress and undress.

Shortly thereafter a modest yet glorious meal of scrambled curry-eggs, vegetables, bacon and toast was being served to an eager audience. I didn't finish my eggs so I let someone else finish them in true communion style.

Ryan paused at one point during the chaos and wished he could freeze the moment; family and friends gathering together, bring what little we had to share a meal together. What could be better? It's downright Biblical is what is it. And I'm Mary Magdalen. Ha! (She was the former-prostitute, right?)

Community makes me happy. How can you feel alone when you're surrounded by that?

I always regret not taking pictures of ordinary things.

...I didn't take this picture. Ha...


Annie said...

vair nice. ps - i like the new set-up.

Beth B said...

You have a gift of making every day events seem extraordinary. I love and miss you. =)a