Friday, June 02, 2006

It has begun.

Once again, it is abundantly clear that my world is Clairiocentric...and in this universe we've just entered the 21st century. I am ashamed, yet proud I've held out this long, that this is my first blog ever. Ew, the word is still creepy and makes me rolls my eyes a little (which can make typing interesting...).
Anywho, this blog has been birthed due to an overwhelming demand! of my friends overseas. You know who you are...those of us who bonded so closely and tightly only to be ripped apart like siamese twins...hmmmm...more like siamese septuplets. It's amazing how far-reaching the bonds of friendship go.
It's almost 11pm on a Friday I'm going to hit the hay. My contacts are glued to my eyes and my root canal from yesterday is throbbing. Yeah, you heard me. Root canal. It was so cool; the dentist showed me my nerve after she filed it out. Oh man...where are my T3's anyway? It's been three hours...and by the time I find them and take them and they start to work it will even out to about six hours between my last dose. Right? That doesn't seem right...for some reason.


Anonymous said...

death, you can't possibly know how happy i am to be able to read something by you every day. you remain one of those few people who can make me laugh out loud consistently which can be treacherous when reading things from you first thing in the morning. i have had more than one case of burnt nostrils from laughing out loud whilst sipping a cup of hot tea. so hey, you made a comment about joining me in darfur (and then you made a very graphic threat for in case i was messing with you when i told you to come with me) and i haven't heard anything since. so? are you coming? if you come looking for me in habillah, i'll be the translucent one with the light blue eyes. i'm sure it will be hard to spot me as i'm sure to blend right in. calling someone with my physical features to missions in africa is clearly an example of God's warped sense of humour. i'm just about done packing my SPF 50, after which i may have room in my bags for a pair of underwear.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.