Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sundays suck

I'm lonely on Sundays.
Not one's at home.
I'm left all alone.
I'm lonely on Sundays.
then I've come up with a couple others for the other days of the week. Yeah, I'm pretty clever. You know, it's just came to me like BAM!--a poem about Sundays. I bet no one's ever thought to write poems about days of the week.
But seriously, Sundays aren't very fun. Alright, there's church, but come on, that only lasts two, three hours max...and that's sucking everything out of it. Arriving early...talking to everyone before and after...having lunch there...oh this is depressing. Anywho, then my roommate goes to her parents, and so do most of my other friends.
Am I the only one who doesn't feel the urge to sleepover at my parents every week? Is that wrong? Seriously, am I bad child?
Right, back to Sundays.
So, my routine had turned into me moping around the house at first, feeling really sorry for myself. Next I like to raid the fridge. Who am I kidding? I like to do that even when it's not Sad Sunday. Eventually I'll clean every surface in the house...walk to The Video Store (that's the name...they sell videos in case you didn't figure that one out) rent a couple movies and bunker down for the night. Hmmmm....come to think of it, that sounds nice. Especially before Mondays. I have a poem for Monday's too...

I'm angry on Mondays.
There's too much to do
And I don't want to see you, and you...and you!
I'm angry on Mondays.

I'm angry on Mondays.
I don't want to awake
And work, for goodness sake.
I'm angry on Mondays.
Just off the top of my head.....


Anonymous said...

No, it is HEALTHY not to want to hang out with your parents. And it is HEALTHY for your parents to have a life too!
What happened to the part about punching...

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