Friday, June 16, 2006

Old days revisited

This is just a quick post before I go to bed:
Last night I had my frist home church meeting at Bruxy's house in Hamilton. I met a couple cool girls, but basically it felt like a youth group. And I'm not interested in a youth group. Call it a 'college and careers' or whatever.
And then tonight I had my prophetic group with the usual gang; a variety of relatives/relatives of my friends/post roommates etc...and realized they've been here all along, under my nose.
I have it all right in this group of friends--these people I've apparently taken for granted. And once again, listened to a lie that they're not really my friends, that they don't really care, that they're only friends with me because they have to be etc. The usual stuff my mind feeds my heart.
So here we were tonight, chatting, laughing, taking serious moments, enjoying some food and drink, sharing stories...what more could I want? What more is there to a community of friends?
It's been an interesting exercise; one I'm glad I walked through even though I've come full circle (or gone around in circles--whatever way you want to look at it.) It's not about finding the perfect friends. It's about loving the ones you have. "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with." Um, kinda what I'm trying to say...but not exactly. You get the idea though.

I'm so blessed and I didn't have the perspective to see it until now.
And only true friends would listen to me go on about my quest to make new, different friends and still love me.
Sadly, I doubt I'll ever tell them this, and I don't think any of them read my blog.
If they do they certainly don't make any comments on here! Stupid friends. Who needs 'em?
I do.


Anonymous said...

Hey Claire, what your saying rings a bell...kinda like whatt I said to you the other day on the way to Ned Devine's. Uh huh, big sister knows!
Love ya
PS I commented!!!

Anonymous said...

I spelled you're wrong!!! And I know I'll be judged for it so there I caught my spelling mistake! I'm not iliterate (did I spell that wrong??darn!)

Beth B said...

I love you and miss you Claire. thank you for keeping me updated on what is going on in your life. I love knowing what is going on in your life. I have a blog too!!

come see what is going on in my life!

Claire said...

Hey Beth!
thanks for being such a faithful viewer. It's always great to read a post from you.
I tried going to your blog and couldn't make it work. However I do have a Xanga account now.
What's the address?

Beth B said...

I love you Claire!
I have a Xanga too. Here is the address.
Hope to see you there. Love oyu and hope you are well.