Anyway--go rent it. You'll thank me.
So, I've been here over a week now, and as I suspected the time has flown and crawled by. I feel like I just arrived and yet already been here for months. It's not a good feeling. And the heat--oh-my-lord--you haven't experienced a heat like this. I don't care who you are or where you've ever been, you have NOT experienced a heat like I have the last week. But finally! it rained today. Friggin rained mang. It was so heavy it looked like it would hurt if it hit your skin. And was coming down so fast it created a strong wind. It was sweet. AND thundering! It was thundering for quite a while too. An overall satisfying day.
Now all you can hear is the loud bass of the bull-frogs, the crickets, and the occasional tricycle. Oh, and the screaming baby. Whoever said newborn cries aren't annoying was wrong. They're just wrong. It can get annoying. Trust me.
That baby out there is just SCREAMING and has been for about half and hour because its mother won't breastfeed it. Why? I don't know. Hindi ko elam. But I'm sure it's come excellent reason such as 'there isn't any milk' or 'the baby has a fever'. Of course, as EVERYONE knows, all contraindications to breastfeeding.
So the pictures today, my little SkyFlakes, are 'what the heck am I going to do tonight?' pictures. I hope they delight you.
You know what's coincidental about the rain today? It was interesting to note that I've been waiting for one week for it to rain--one whole week. Asking everyone daily "When does rainy season start?" when I know bloody well that it starts in June. Each day I look up at the sky and say "Oh, it's going to rain today for sure--I can feel it. Can't you feel it?" But it never did rain.
Finally, today, I heard thunder (which can be, and has been, mistaken for a motorbike...) And sure enough, it rains; rains like God is trying to float an ark. And here's the funny part--today I had my first little cry after hearing some unexpected news from home. I had my own little thunderstorm, if you will. I'm so in tune with nature, clearly.
Anyway--I'm meeting up with an old classmate of Mercy tomorrow--very exciting and, here's that word again, coincidental that she's working in Antipolo too! It IS a small world after all.
It's Victoria Day today, Claire, speaking of the Queen (although a different Queen). We're gonna go to the Bayfront with the Joneses, but Bek is working like crazy on stuff for her art show. (Tell me if you don't want to hear about this stuff....) A movie is gonna be filmed on our street, it includes a gunshot (wooooo)and when we came home there was a paper taped to the front door of the building, Ry and I were joking that it would probably say, "Unless you have a Roque Roofing truck, you may not use the front door or stairs" etc....funny.
Prayin' for ya.
hey yo.
Sounds like a cool rain. if i was a crazy charismatic I would say that it sounds like the spring rains...or the latter rain even!
Love hearing about your trip.
I am you.....miss writing you an email.....
yoyoyoyoyoyooooo, clairice!
good to hear from you, old chap. chapice. chapess. chapita?
hey, the infamous les mis shirt! how's she doing? cosette, i mean...
cool about the thunder storm... i know how much you LOVE those. hey, what unexpected news??? are you okay? e-mail me! ooo, after i e-mail YOU. i guess it's my turn. does this count as one?
more later but, i ended up being a MORON at the unveiling tonight. hopefully it will be funny in retrospect. ended UP going well, though. and got paid... my mastercard will be 0 for the first time in forever! woohoo!!!
also found out my art has to be UP by monday (even though the show isn't for another couple weeks!), so i'm doing pastel like nobody's business and mourning my lack of paintings. and of course i JUST lent ALL my acrylic paint to maria. "i won't need it!" i said.
AWESOME about your friend from mercy being around. MERCY! which one? who? who? as if i know her, anyway. but it's exciting if i recognize a name!
i love you! this is practically a novel. shorrryyyy...
more! more! blog away, my fiend! i mean my friend.
Your hair is great.
(I didn't feel like competing with all the lonnngg well-thought-out comments above me.)
But, I speak the truth. Your hair IS great.
In the last sentence I accidently wrote "Burt, I speak the truth". I should have left it that way. It was awesome.
burt, i speak the truth.
oh no another one for the dry-erase board. Burt, I speak the truth. NO! Hans is a liar.
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