This trip is so not about the midwifery, I'm discovering. And that's exciting, because midwifery, psh it's been done. No no, Dad, don't worry--I'm graduating. It's just that, yeah, I've learned all that and I'm a good midwife, so that's why it's nice to be learning some NEW things on this trip.
Can I just mention, it's only been four days since I arrived and I feel like I've been here an eternity. Is that a good sign? Hm...
Anyway--here's an excerpt from my journal from...yesterday, no! the day before:
At the time it was quite profound to me--but I know to a lot of you it will be quite...trite, perhaps passe. No, never passe, just...well, duh! Of course. Is there a word for 'well duh, of course' ?
It was inspired by reading the words the worship group at my church gave me--this was my way of summarizing:
" Faith. Just believe. Trust.
Have faith He fulfills His promises.
Faith I heard Him correctly;
Faith in who I've been created to be.
Just believe He is good.
Believe He has a plan;
Believe it's a good plan.
Trust He's got me.
Trust He won't abandon me here and now or ever;
Trust it's not by my own strength--only by His grace.
And rest.
Rest in His plans.
Rest in the knowledge of His infinite love and tenderness.
Rest and have faith to hope;
Rest and believe in Him who is faithful;
Rest and trust I'm taken care of.
I'm careless in the care of God."
Holy corny, eh? I'm thinking of submitting it to some Christian publishing house and request it's printed on a fridge magnet with a sunset in the background. Or perhaps a c.u. of some wild-flowers. Yes. Wild-flowers.
(photo of the clinic on clinic days--110 people yesterday)
Oh, can you tell I have internet and I have a lot of it? Frig. The midwives here are SO fully capable it's frustrating and the nursing-students...well there are many of them so anything I go to being done. But I know it won't always be like this. I'm anxious to get working, but not THAT anxious. I'm not an idiot.
Ah, another baby boy. Really clotty birth--I had to leave. Some of you know, clots are my downfall. Nothing can make me gag faster. Just so you know. And come on! You can't expect to not hear SOME details. Hahah..suckers.
You're doing it, you're really doing it... and you were nervous! Ha. I must say though, I envy how you can just jump from one type of life to another in a heartbeat and end up thriving so well. It is truly a talent. Keep blogging, sistah!
It's only cheesy if you want it to be....some people go through their whole lives without getting the "God loves you" thing. You are AWESOME. We miss you.
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