Friday, June 01, 2007

Blinded by the light (...wrapped up like a douche?)

You know what I just realized...
It's the intrinsic value of the PERSON that makes the 'save one person' motto true. I was looking at it all wrong! I was looking at it in the same perspective as Nestle looks at their market--a sort of all-encompassing attitude of domination and well, just numbers! The more people the more money etc. etc. as far as Nestle is concerned.
For me, and my globalized mindset, it's the more people the more value I have--the more worthwhile I am. Backwards, eh? Especially when I'm the one who's doing the missionary work. HA!

No, if you look at it the way it's supposed to be looked at--through God's eyes then yes, one person is worth it. Because to him, one person is worth it. One person would have been worth dying for--if that had been the case. He would have died for Judas if Judas was the only person to ever believe in him.

Oh, see! It's a heart-driven issue not a statistical one!

Yes, it's the intrinsic value of ONE person, whether you're aware of their value as a doctor, or a missionary, or your mother, that is the whole POINT!

Oh man! Chris this is for you: it's all about RELATIONSHIP. And COMMUNITY!
And wasn't there someone else I was talking to recently about this? Kells?

My Mum sent me some info about issues of 3rd world midwifery in response to my last couple blogs, and it was interesting to note that WHO and UNICEF are pulling out a lot of their midwifery/health worker training programs because they're not working.
Why aren't they working? Why are mortality rates the same or higher when more and more people are being trained in health care and prevention?

Well, on a completely unrelated issue, maternal mortality rates have dropped in parts of Uganda and Brazil after doctors opened their doors to the TBA (traditional birth attendants) and facilitated discussion groups and learning times and sharing times between hospital staff and TBAs (most of whom are 'witch-doctors', healers, or just grandmothers). They say it created an atmosphere of equality and relationship which caused the parties to LISTEN to each other and therefore LEARN from each other. AND it also caused to TBAs to go to the hospitals more often because they felt welcomed knew they'd be listened to.
And that's small time. But the ripple effect...well that's why it's called a ripple effect I guess. Because all it takes is one drop to ripple an entire pond.
So in conclusion: The life of one person is worth everything because they are intrinsically valuable to God and the kingdom---not because they're valuable to me.
And if change, and positive LONG LASTING change is to be made it's only through community and relationship.
Oh it's all fitting together now.

More input would be fantastic. I don't want comments so much as input for discussion. Just because I'm here and you're there doesn't mean this doesn't affect you too. This is kingdom work.


Anonymous said...

People are suprised when I explain to them why I don't buy Nestle products. The indifference/ignorance you speak of is rampant in this part of the world. But I still try to drop pebbles in the pond, along with others doing the same. Eventually change will happen, I believe that as much as I believe anything else. You're right that it isn't about percentages, but individuals.

Anonymous said...

you got it baby! the value of the person - more valuable than anything - in fact if you want to really jump into that thought - think of the value that Jesus placed on humanity when He became one - he kind of endorsed our life really with that incarnational act...
love you way over there...

Beth B said...

One person at a time, I totally believe that. If you tired to effect the whole world in your own lifetime you would go crazy. However, if you just focus on one person you can make a HUGE difference in their life through God. He would have lived and died for just ONE why can't we?

Anonymous said...

i'm not sure if i envy this mass amount of time you have to think about things like this, or if i'm extremely glad to be as busy as i am in school. probably more envious to be honest. i need to break some limbs so i am forced to stay still for a second and be alone with my thoughts. do you have a bat?


Anonymous said...

i would totally go insane if i didn't believe the "one person" thing. seriously. without that revelation, i might as well not be on the planet... 'cause what worth do i have, and what could i possibly do that's of any significance?! why would being an artist matter if i'm not the very best and influencial one out there (i don't even need to SAY anything else about that, 'cause you know everything i have to say!!!)?

i like thinking of other things God has made... flowers blooming in places that barely ANYONE even sees... fish that no one has ever discovered yet... planets that humans can't even live on (oh man, i could go on and on)! if THAT matters to God, then SURELY my small influence on at least one person is of huge value to Him. and that's really the goal, right? to please Him. His definition of success is sooo different than ours, because you're right... it's a HEART thing, not a statistic thing.

and chris, i love what you said about the incarnation - i'd never thought of it that way before!!!

Anonymous said...

me again, sorry...

don't you think this very topic is the BEST and most CRAZILY GLORIOUS thing about God?

that he CARES.

we can't even begin to fathom what a huge deal that is - how mind-blowing. and i mean... the glory/authority etc. about Jesus came through... HUMILITY! worthy is the lamb, because he was SLAIN! WHAT THE HECK?!?! WHO IS THIS GOD? his kingdom is so upside down to our human thinking, and so amazingly beautiful! how could we EVER doubt his love?

i love that when moses asks God to show him His glory, God passes by saying that He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. as if to say... THIS is my glory... that i CARE ABOUT YOU!!!

i'm rambling.

Claire said...

No, you're not rambling! I SO pleased with what everyone wrote! And I realize how insane and...evil I sounded in the frist blogs about this...thanks for hanging in there.
And yes, this is the coolest topic. No really, the coolest. It's the root as far as I'm concerned.